白细胞酯酶,Leukocyte esterase [LE];≥20 units/mg protein(biuret)

别名:白细胞酶,白血球酯脢,白细胞脂酶,Leukocyte lipase.

冻干粉,活性约20个单位每毫克。lyophilized powder,by BSZH purification.
制造商品牌: BSZH
货号(SKU): L32501
签订合同 √ 正规发票 √ 技术支持 √ 质量保障 √ 全程可追溯 √

描述 Description

Leukocyte esterase (LE) is an esterase (a type of enzyme) produced by leukocytes (white blood cells). A leukocyte esterase test (LE test) is a urine test for the presence of white blood cells and other abnormalities associated with infection.

White blood cells in the urine usually indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). Positive test results are clinically significant. The LE test is also used to screen for gonorrhea and for amniotic fluid infections. The combination of the LE test with the urinary nitrite test provides an excellent screen for establishing the presence of a UTI. Urine test strips (dipsticks) can screen for both. A urine sample that tests positive for both nitrite and leukocyte esterase should be cultured for pathogenic bacteria.

"It has been proposed that the reagent strip for leukocyte esterase designed for the testing of urine (Combur test UX) could be a useful tool for diagnosing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis SBP."[1] Braga et al. concluded that the Combur test UX urine screening test is a very sensitive and specific method for diagnosing SBP in the ascitic fluid of cirrhotic patients who have undergone paracentesis."

白细胞酯酶(leukocyte esterase,LE)是人体白细胞内含有的一种特异性酶类,当人体发生炎症反应时,多核白细胞的趋化性在炎性病灶聚集而大量释放白细胞酯酶 (LE),白细胞酯酶 (LE) 可水解5-溴4-氯-3-吲哚乙酸盐,释放出溴吲哚基,后者在有氧的条件下会产生颜色变化,其呈色深度与白细胞酯酶 (LE) 活性成正比,故实验室亦可通过特定试纸呈色法进行检测。

因白细胞酯酶 (LE) 只在中性粒细胞内存在,其它的细胞内目前则尚未发现,所以不能检测其它类型的白细胞,只能中性粒细胞检测,也就是通过炎性细胞检测。如果检测结果阳性则说明所检测的标本中有白细胞存在,也就是中性粒细胞有炎症存在,但无法直接说明是何种病原感染。




Exclamation mark


10 - Combustible liquids




Eyeshields, Faceshields, Gloves, type ABEK (EN14387) respirator filter


文献资料 References

  1. Braga LL, Souza MH, Barbosa AM, Furtado FM, Campelo PA, Araújo Filho AH (May 2006). "Diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients in northeastern Brazil by use of rapid urine-screening test". Revista paulista de medicina124 (3): 141–4. doi:10.1590/s1516-31802006000300006.  PMID 17119690.
储存温度 Storage temp.-20°C低温冷冻
全球实时库存 Availability √美国St. Louis ≥ 50 | 欧洲Eur. ≥ 12 | 東京Tokyo ≥ 20 | 香港与北京 ≥ 50
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