
欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准品:欧洲药品和医疗保健质量管理局(EDQM)致力于在整个欧洲实现安全药品质量标准的统一。



欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

欧洲药品和卫生保健质量局(EDQM)是欧洲委员会的理事会(民主总局(DGII)),负责制定具有法律约束力的优质药品质量标准。此外,EDQM还制定了输血,器官,细胞和组织移植以及消费者健康领域的指导和标准。EDQM由一名董事领导,由九个实体组成。 EDQM在其工作中依赖于其指导委员会的专家网络和专家组。为了维持其使命并确保向其利益相关者提供高水平的交付成果,EDQM以ISO 9001认证的质量管理体系为基础进行运作。

欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

化学参考物质(CRS), 草药参考标准(HRS)


欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质
欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质
欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

生物参考制剂(BRP),生物制剂标准品, 制药标准品


欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质
欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质
欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

欧洲药典EDQM Ph. Eur. EP标准物质

European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.)




完成的合作研究的完整报告发表在“ Pharmeuropa生物与科学笔记”中。



A contract was signed in 1991 between the Commission of the European Communities and the Council of Europe to allow for the provision of logistical and scientific assistance for activities related to the testing of biological medicinal products (commonly known as biologicals) in particular vaccines and blood.

This contract covers research activities within the Biological Standardisation Programme (BSP) implemented under a Steering Committee. The Secretariat is provided by the Biological Standarisation, OMCL and HealthCare Department (DBO) of the EDQM.

The Biological Standardisation Programme is financed by a specific budget contributed by the two contracting parties. The Commission of the European Communities has since officially become a party to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia and has been continuing to make a financial contribution every year. Non-EU countries may also make a financial contribution. To improve international harmonisation, whenever possible, collaborative studies run under the BSP are also co-ordinated with those planned and carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The full reports of the concluded collaborative studies are published in ‘Pharmeuropa Bio & Scientific Notes'.

This contract has given new impetus to activities in the biological field by complementing the work performed by the relevant groups of experts of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission.


The mission of the BSP is to:

  • elaborate European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards and working standards for biologicals (i.e. biological reference preparations [BRP] and chemical reference substances [CRS])
  • standardisation of test methods for the quality control of biologicals;
  • elaborate alternative methods for the quality control of biologicals in order to apply the 3Rs concept (Refine, Reduce, Replace) to use of animals in laboratory experiments
  • contribute to the activities of the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) and the International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH) in the field of biologicals.