阿法埃莎Alfa Aesar

阿法埃莎 (AlfaAesar) :赛默飞世尔旗下品牌,是科研化学品、金属、催化剂和生命科学产品的领先制造商和供应商。















阿法埃莎 (Alfa Aesar) 现已成为赛默飞世尔科技公司旗下企业,是科研化学品、金属和生命科学产品的领先制造商和供应商。

半个多世纪以来,无数科研人员凭借阿法埃莎提供的高纯度原材料进行了各类研究和开发工作。如今,我们的产品种类已超过 46,000 种,供货规模从克级到半批量生产和批量生产。此外,我们还可以根据客户要求定制多种特殊产品。我们具备全面而强大的供货能力,是科研化学品、金属及材料的一站式供应商。


 在我们的 46,000 余种科研化学产品当中,生物化学产品的种类超过 5,000 种。这为研究工作提供了充分选择。我们的生命科学研究产品种类一直在不断扩充,具体应用范围包括:基因组学、蛋白质组学、免疫学、细胞与分子生物学以及血管研究等。


Premion 是Alfa Aesar高纯度贵金属化合物和纯元素的商标。Premion 纯元素的最低纯度为 99.99%(金属基)。Premion 纯元素包括下列金属:铂(Pt)、钯(Pd)、铑(Rh)、铱(Ir)、钌(Ru)、锇(Os)、银(Ag) 和金(Au)。Premion 化合物的最低纯度为 99.95%(金属基)。它们包括上述元素的化合物。

Puratronic 高纯度贱金属及盐类是制药和电子公司的首选,它们可作为许多研发过程的基本结构单元。Alfa Aesar在制造过程中确保每种 Puratronic 产品的品质和纯度。每种 Puratronic 化合物的最低纯度为 99.99%(其中许多超过99.999%)。析证书。

被公认为高纯稀土之衡量标准的 REacton 品牌系列包括整个镧系元素系列(钷除外)以及钪和钇。REacton 稀土的杂质含量极低。

Alfa Aesar提供品种齐全的ultradry超干材料,它们是气敏和湿敏设备的首选。超干化合物的生产条件十分严格,以确保把氧和水杂质控制在百万分之几的范围内。我们只使 用高纯初始材料参与制造过程,以达到 99.9% ~ 99.999% 的总纯度。所有超干盐都封装在含有氩气的安瓿瓶中,大多数为 -10 目颗粒和粉末状。状颗粒。

Specpure 是Alfa Aesar分析用标准溶液的商标。Specpure 标准溶液采用最高品质的原料和 ASTM Type I(I 级)去离子水制成,以获得最大可能的校准精度。所有 Specpure 标准溶液在出厂时均附有一份特定批次的分析证书。Specpure 原子吸收标准溶液的浓度可精确到 ± 1.0%,等离子溶液可精确到 ± 0.3%。 或更高。

Spectroflux 是Alfa Aesar硼酸锂助熔剂的品牌,可应用与多种分析方法过程中。这一系列助熔剂可适用的分析方法有:X 光发射光谱仪、原子吸收光谱仪、分光光度计、极谱仪、离子选择电极、ICP 或经典的分析法。无论选择什么方法,Spectroflux 分析助熔剂都能提供速度和分析精度上的优势。优势。

蒸发过程和其它精细应用都要求超纯度。Vacpure系统是一种针对各种高纯度金属特别设计的密封/包装工艺。Vacpure 系统确保氧气、湿气和其它杂质在密封前从包装中排出,保持被封装材料的纯度。

Active Dry™ 无水溶剂具有碱金属硅胶体系(Na-SG-I),是一种适用于溶剂和阴离子聚合工艺的高效干燥剂和除杂剂。 每瓶溶剂含有一个浸没在溶剂中的 Active Dry™ 小袋以确保干燥,并使用我们专有的 ChemSeal™ 隔膜盖进行密封。

我们的各种空气、氧气和潮湿敏感产品均采用 ChemSeal 包装。ChemSeal 系统采用一片可再密封的隔膜,通过它可取出一个容积量的试剂,而无需将全部产品暴露于氧气或湿气中。

FibreCat 贵金属催化剂被锚定在一系列功能纤维上,为处理和分离带来了选择性和方便性。

For over 50 years, Maybridge, a part of ThermoFisher Scientific, has been at the forefront of innovative screening compound design, fueled by the desire to access novel molecules of pharmaceutical interest and understand the needs of the drug discovery scientist.

The Maybridge Screening Collection is a highly diverse set of over 53,000 hit-like and lead-like molecules widely acknowledged as a critical tool in screening campaigns.

After the completion of the human genome project, life science research entered a new era of scientific advancement. While biology remains the centerpiece of the life sciences, technological advances have sparked a rapid growth of specializations and interdisciplinary fields including bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics.

Alfa Aesar is a leading supplier of life science research tools. Our product line focuses on high quality reagents/biochemicals to support academic and biotech research. We manufacture and supply novel reagents for many life science research areas including but not limited to genomic & proteomic analysis, cell culture, molecular biology, and imaging.

You can count on Alfa Aesar for a broad range of high purity metals and materials, virtually all of which are available from stock for immediate shipment. No matter what your application, Alfa Aesar supplies pure metals, alloys, and non-metallic elements in various purities and forms to meet most specifications. If you don't find what you need here, please contact us. Alfa Aesar has vast resources for manufacturing and fabrication to meet most specialty requirements.

In addition to pure elements and alloys, you will find here a variety of forms of carbon, ceramics for high temperature applications, evaporation materials, products for brazing, optics, crystals, and even a selection of fuel cell grade catalysts. Lastly, we offer selected laboratory equipment, such as magnetic susceptability balances, hydrogen purifies, and more.

Precious Metal Compounds and Homogeneous Catalysts

Alfa Aesar offers a full range of precious metal salts and solutions manufactured to stringent specifications. Homogeneous catalysis provides an excellent choice where highly specific reactions are desired including chiral transformations. Our homogeneous catalysts can be used in a wide range of chemical transformations.

Catalysts in varying purities and concentrations

Due to their high selectivity, precious metal chemicals are often the first choice as heterogeneous catalysts for a wide variety of reactions, including hydrogenation, hydrosilation, isomerization and carbonylation. Alfa Aesar carries a wide selection of purities and concentrations for a broad range of applications, including organic synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry. We offer a unique collection of chiral ligands for asymmetric hydrogenation, novel palladium coupling catalysts, platinum group metal (PGM)-based heterogeneous catalysts as well as Sponge Nickel™ catalysts.

Fuel cell catalysts for anodes, cathodes, electrodes

Alfa Aesar offers these products from stock in catalog, bulk and semi-bulk quantities. Our line of precious metal catalysts provides superior performance in proton exchange membrane (PEM) and direct methanol fuel cells, for fuel cell research. Our fuel processing catalysts and gas treatment products are base metal catalysts for use in fuel cell and other distributed hydrogen processing applications. We also offer a variety of fuel cell components, including Nafion® membranes, Toray™ carbon paper, cathodes, anodes and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) products.

Alfa Aesar is known worldwide for a variety of high purity products used in analytical chemistry. Recognized for purity and quality, our products and brands are backed by technical and sales teams dedicated to providing you the best service possible.

In this section you will find our Specpure® analytical standards, manufactured for unsurpassed performance in accuracy, purity , and quality. Also listed are hundreds of other products, including MS standards, HPLC solvents, analytical graphite products, pH test strips and solutions, indicators, acids and bases, Labware (precious metal, base metal, PTFE, carbon, ceramic), and a selection of infrared spectroscopy products.